Size : 55L x 15W (cm)
Double sided First Book / Cot Bumper. One side is printed with brightly coloured animals and the other side is printed with four seasons. There's also a mirror for early visual stimulation and this can be used around baby's cot using the attached ties as a bumper.
Price : RM19
既是挂床又是宝宝的安抚物品,配有玩具镜,物美价廉;产品功能: 1.色彩对比鲜明的各种有机理的图案,给宝宝提供基本颜色和图形训练,帮助新生儿视觉和大脑的发育; 2.配有软质的玩具镜,让宝宝近距离照镜子,对宝宝而言,人的脸孔是相当有趣且有吸引力的,促进宝宝脑细胞间的联系;观察宝宝注视、触摸镜子的活动,宝宝在认真地学习呢。